Creating a Social Media Marketing Plan for Your Small Business

Grow your local business with our step-by-step guide to creating an effective social media marketing plan. Read more now!

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Social media is an essential tool for local businesses looking to connect with their target audience and grow their brand. However, many businesses struggle to create an effective social media strategy that aligns with their marketing goals and resonates with their audience. In this post, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a social media marketing plan for your business, along with examples of how different types of businesses can successfully implement a social media strategy to achieve their marketing goals.

Step 1: Define your social media goals

The first step in creating a social media marketing plan is to define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your social media efforts? Some common social media goals for small businesses include:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Driving traffic to their website
  • Building customer loyalty and engagement


  • A local restaurant might have a social media goal of increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to their website to promote their menu and specials.
  • A local gym might have a social media goal of generating leads and sales by promoting their memberships and services.

Defining your social media goals is important because it provides focus and direction for your social media marketing efforts. Knowing what you want to achieve with social media will help you develop a more effective strategy.

Step 2: Identify your target audience

The next step is to identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your social media marketing efforts? What social media platforms do they use most frequently? This information will help you choose the right platforms to focus on and create content that resonates with your audience.


  • A local boutique might target fashion-conscious women in their 20s and 30s who are most active on Instagram and Pinterest.
  • A local real estate agency might target first-time homebuyers in their 30s and 40s who are most active on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Identifying your target audience helps you understand who you are trying to reach and how to tailor your social media content to their needs and preferences.

Step 3: Choosing the right social media platforms

Based on your target audience, choose the social media platforms that are most likely to reach and engage them. Don't try to be active on every platform, as this can spread your efforts too thin and lead to ineffective results. Focus on the platforms that align with your goals and audience.


  • A local coffee shop might focus on Instagram and Facebook to showcase their menu items and create a community of loyal customers.
  • A local law firm might focus on LinkedIn to establish thought leadership and connect with potential clients in their industry.

Choosing the right social media platforms ensures that you are reaching your target audience where they are most active online. Focusing on the right platforms will help you avoid wasting time and resources on ineffective channels.

Step 4: Develop a content strategy

Create a content strategy that aligns with your social media goals and target audience. Determine what types of content you will create (e.g. blog posts, videos, infographics), how often you will post, and the tone and style of your content. Make sure your content is engaging, informative, and adds value to your audience.


  • A local bookstore might create blog posts on book reviews and author interviews to engage with their audience and promote their book selection.
  • A local dentist might create videos on oral health tips and procedures to educate their audience and promote their services.

Developing a content strategy ensures that your social media content is engaging, informative, and aligns with your social media goals. It also helps you plan and organize your content so that you can consistently publish high-quality posts.

Step 5: Create a social media calendar

Develop a social media calendar that outlines what content will be posted on which platforms and when. This will help ensure consistency and prevent last-minute scrambling. You can use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your posts ahead of time and automate your social media efforts, or you can get in touch with an Erudite Media representative and we can assist you in figuring out your business goals and developing a social media calendar that fits your needs. Contact us here.


  • A local bakery might post daily updates on their Instagram feed to showcase their new bakery items and daily specials.
  • A local HVAC company might post weekly tips on their Facebook page to educate their audience on HVAC maintenance and services.

Creating a social media calendar helps you plan and organize your social media posts in advance, ensuring that you are consistently publishing high-quality content. It also helps you avoid last-minute scrambling and ensures that your content is aligned with your social media goals and target audience.

Step 6: Monitor and engage with your audience

Monitoring and engaging with your audience is crucial to building relationships and increasing engagement on your social media platforms. Responding to comments, messages, and mentions in a timely and personalized manner shows that you care about your audience and can help you establish trust and loyalty. Additionally, monitoring your social media accounts allows you to track the performance of your content and adjust your strategy based on what is resonating with your audience.


  • A local bakery might respond to comments on their Instagram posts by thanking customers for their feedback and encouraging them to visit the bakery to try their products.
  • A local landscaping company might respond to messages on their Facebook page by providing quotes and scheduling appointments for lawn care services.

Monitoring and engaging with your audience helps you build relationships with your followers and increase engagement on your social media platforms. It also helps you understand what types of content and messaging resonates with your audience and make adjustments to your social media strategy accordingly.

Step 7: Track your results

Tracking your social media results is important because it helps you measure the effectiveness of your social media marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about how to improve your strategy over time. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion rates, and compare your results to your social media goals. This will help you identify what's working and what's not and make adjustments to your social media strategy accordingly.


  • A local clothing store might track their Instagram engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares to measure the success of their campaigns and adjust their content strategy accordingly.
  • A local home cleaning service might track their website traffic and conversion rates from their Facebook advertising campaigns to determine the ROI of their social media advertising efforts.

By following these steps, local businesses can create a social media marketing plan that is tailored to their goals and target audience. Remember to stay flexible and adjust your strategy as needed based on your results and the changing needs of your audience. Erudite Media can provide additional guidance and support to help your business execute your plan effectively and achieve your social media marketing goals.

At Erudite Media, we understand the challenges that local businesses face when it comes to social media marketing. That's why we offer comprehensive social media services that can help businesses build a strong social media presence, connect with their target audience, and achieve their marketing goals.

Whether you need help creating a social media strategy, managing your social media accounts, or measuring your social media performance, we have the expertise and experience to help.

If you're interested in taking your social media marketing to the next level, or if you're looking for someone that can run your social media for you, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to discuss your needs and help you develop a social media plan that works for your business. Contact us here